The one thing that will REALLY set your business apart.
The one thing that will really set apart new paradigm businesses versus the old capitalist patriarchal ways of business is integrity.
Lack of integrity damages people.
It destroys the planet.
It breaks hearts.
It might help your bank balance but you’ll be found out in the end, even if that’s only by your own conscience.
It’s no good doing good with the money you bring in from your business if it’s arrived with you via ill-gotten ways.
Leaning into your Human Design as a self discovery and self exploration tool is a fantastic way to sack off the conditioning and bro-marketing tactics we’ve all been immersed in since pre-birth and anchor into that integrity.
By checking in with ourselves, our Strategy and Authority, we can sift through the ‘should’s’ and standard practices which can be so damaging and do things differently. We can do business with integrity, aligned with who we really are.
So don’t make shit up in emails for the sake of storytelling to sell your stuff. Do tell your own stories truthfully and with ownership.
Don’t springboard off other people’s misery for your gain. Do create and care for your community.
Don’t focus on pain points and belittle others to big up yourself. Do focus on desires and differentiation (another thing HD is fabulous for!).
Don’t make promises you can’t deliver on and charge audaciously for it. Do bring the next experience you know how to create.
Don’t be afraid to say no. Do take radical responsibility for yourself and your journey.
Get your Unique Business Freedom Formula here. Your Human Design cheat sheet for more financial, time and headspace freedom.
Dive in and decode your Human Design essentials with tips to implement and apply them straight away for an instant up level.