Self worth, money and abundance in business.

How to use your Human Design to boost your self worth and abundance.

One thing so many women with businesses struggle with is our self-worth ESPECIALLY related to money and it’s not surprising really.

If you’ve been socialised as female it’s likely you’ll have picked up stories that:

  • you should sacrifice your dreams and desires for what others want to do

  • women are frivolous with money or downright evil (Cruella De’ville, anyone?)

  • women should stick to caring roles, preferably for free because we’re nurturers etc etc. 

I could write way more than 3 bullet points here - it makes my blood boil! 

I had a gorgeous client session last week and we dove into the G-centre to really hone in on self worth, money and abundance. 

Our G-centre deals with our self worth, self love and direction. It is right in the centre of our Human Design chart. It impacts all the energy around it and depending on whether it’s defined or undefined and what gates you have highlighted here, you’ll have different challenges and highlights with self worth, money, direction and self love. 

It’s a great centre to look at in terms of self worth and money because when we know ourselves and work in alignment with that, we align with the G-centre energy within us and this is when magic happens!

The gates within the G-Centre are often called the abundance keys and can quite literally unlock the stories you hold and the conditioning you’re living out when you explore them. If you’d like to, here are some prompts per gate to get you thinking. 

Check out your HD chart, see which gates you have and get journaling!

Gate 10 - Love of Self. 

How much do you love yourself? 

Are you in comparison mode and how can you stop? 

Gate 7 - Self in Interaction.

How powerful do you feel?

Are you hiding away or have you gone into full dictator mode?

Gate 1 - Self expression.

How authentic are you being?

Who do you want to be and how can you allow yourself to be/do that?

Gate 13 - Listener

Have you forgiven yourself?

Where is your past holding you back and what do you need to do to release it?

Gate 25 - Love of Spirit

How is your spiritual growth?

What can you accept about the current situ while working to move forward?

Gate 46 - Love of Body

Do you feel abundant?

Are you stuck in seriousness and scarcity, and if you are how can you shift this?

Gate 2 - Receptivity

How open are you?

Does it all feel possible, and if not how can you allow possibility in

Gate 15 - Extremes

What is the ripple effect?

Who else wins when you do? 

How magnetic are you allowed to be?

If you’ve had a go, let me know what came up for you. Hit reply and let me know!

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